Marmot crafts professional quality outdoor gear, born from working mountain guides and instructors. Inspired by the Alpinist spirit of adventure to search and achieve in a harsh world, our products are simple, appropriate, dependable and good looking.
700 Fill RDS down, specially treated with Down Defender for lightweight warmth and an extra level of moisture protection
Free from PFAS substances
Does not contain PFAS compounds
No PFAS chemicals present
Excludes PFAS materials
Micro fleece interior cuffs for comfort
Zip-off hood with removable faux fur that blocks wind
Zippered hand warmer pockets, sleeve pocket and interior zippered pocket keep things secure
Marmot crafts professional quality outdoor gear, born from working mountain guides and instructors. Inspired by the Alpinist spirit of adventure to search and achieve in a harsh world, our products are simple, appropriate, dependable and good looking.
700 Fill RDS down, specially treated with Down Defender for lightweight warmth and an extra level of moisture protection
Free from PFAS substances
Does not contain PFAS compounds
No PFAS chemicals present
Excludes PFAS materials
Micro fleece interior cuffs for comfort
Zip-off hood with removable faux fur that blocks wind
Zippered hand warmer pockets, sleeve pocket and interior zippered pocket keep things secure